A simple program to find out whether the String is palindrome or not without using StringBuffer class.
Let me break it in simple steps
int l=original.length();
String reverse="";
Whatever character you get in the reverse order,store it in reverse String
for(int i=l-1;i>=0;i--)
reverse=reverse+ original.charAt(i);
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
System.out.println("It is not a palindrome");
Now let me put the whole code in one program.
class PalindromeWithoutSB
public static void main(String[] args)
String original="MALAYALAM";
int l=original.length();
String reverse="";
for (int i=l-1;i>=0 ;i-- )
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
System.out.println("It is not a palindrome");
Let me break it in simple steps
Step 1: Find the length of the original String using length().
String original="MALAYALAM";int l=original.length();
Step 2: Declare one more String to hold a reversed value.
String reverse="";
Step 3: Start a for loop in reverse order and make the use of method charAt();
In case you don't know the working of charAt() you can check it here. Click Me for charAt() post.Whatever character you get in the reverse order,store it in reverse String
for(int i=l-1;i>=0;i--)
reverse=reverse+ original.charAt(i);
Step 4: When the loop ends, you have two String where you can check whether they both match, if they match they are palindrome, else they are not.
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
System.out.println("It is not a palindrome");
Now let me put the whole code in one program.
class PalindromeWithoutSB
public static void main(String[] args)
String original="MALAYALAM";
int l=original.length();
String reverse="";
for (int i=l-1;i>=0 ;i-- )
System.out.println("It is a palindrome");
System.out.println("It is not a palindrome");
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